Vino e Sport: amici o nemici?

Wine and Sport: friends or enemies?

The relationship between wine and sport sounds like an oxymoron. If sport is an intensive activity, wine is a nectar to be enjoyed with peace of mind. But let's go deeper!

Some sports doctors state: "The importance of moderate consumption of wine by athletes subjected to fatigue and stress is confirmed by the sedative and euphoric properties which contribute to the maintenance of psychophysical strength". Simply put, a moderate dose of wine is good for your heart and amplifies the benefits of exercise.
Not to mention that among the properties of wine there is the reduction of "bad" cholesterol in the blood.

Every athlete knows that he cannot drink wine during competition and that, before training, he must eat carbohydrates! Every other day, wine can be accompanied by a second course to relax from intensive training. After all, even athletes have the right to a bit of healthy relaxation!

But then does it make you fat?

The sugars contained in wine have been under accusation for decades, and it certainly cannot be denied that, if consumed in excess, from any food, they constitute an unused reserve of energy which is transformed into fat.

In general, a glass of red wine contains on average 85 Kcal, compared to 82 Kcal in a glass of white. Calories increase in the presence of sweet wines: the caloric intake is linked to the quantity of sugars contained in the liquid, therefore the more alcohol there is, the more sugars, consequently, there are in the wine.

But it is good to keep in mind the nutritional contributions of a glass of wine, which are useful for our body and, on the other hand, the research conducted on red wine has led to the decree that by drinking moderate quantities, wine increases the heart rate and stimulates metabolism to consume more calories.
In any case, according to researchers from the University of Navarro in Spain, wine does not promote weight gain because the body consumes the calories provided by the glass thanks to its metabolic acceleration action.

They are the components of wine such as phenolic compounds and resveratrol, which help with their antioxidant properties in protecting the body from cardiac and tumor pathologies.
Studies on this component contained in wine are always active but, despite some disagreements, the cardio-protective function of the resveratrol contained in wine is certain , particularly in red wine not treated with fungicides and pesticides.

And run or walk or cycle among the rows of the vineyard?
All doctors agree that it is good for the heart, lungs, bones, tones muscles, improves circulation, fights stress and optimizes mood.

And it's not the intensity that makes the difference, but the amount of exercise done.
Walking outdoors, even among long rows, extends your life, especially when you get older.
Furthermore, being outdoors, exposure to the sun promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, which can also stimulate the immune system.
Do we want to try horseback riding in the vineyard? For many people it may seem banal, you sit on the back with a pair of reins in your hand, your feet in the stirrups waiting to finish the ride.
But is not so! Horseback riding in the open countryside brings many benefits for the body and mind , so much so that it can also be used as therapy.
The muscles involved in this movement are many: legs, glutes, back, arm muscles and abdominals; while we walk on horseback, we stimulate and tone them, improving their elasticity by following the rhythm of the horse's gait.
Being able to “control” such a majestic and strong animal has a beneficial effect on self-esteem and self-awareness, teaches mutual respect and stimulates cognition of the present moment, bringing horseback riding closer to the practice of yoga.

The horseback ride in the vineyard is truly a unique experience. Also excellent as a gift idea for passionate wine lovers as at the end of the event there is also a visit to the cellar and a fantastic wine tasting.

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In short, sport and wine are not only trendy today, but are compatible with each other, always respecting the limits of their fields.

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