adopt a vine row
How make an excellent wine?
Getting a good wine is never easy. It requires tiring and difficult operations in the vineyard, long and meticulous cellar techniques but above all a lot of passion and dedication. If you want to become a protagonist and live the magnificent experience of being a winemaker you can have a whole vine row at your disposal. By the adoption you can approach work in the vineyard, discover the cellar processes;so you can live the birth of a wine and follow its entire development. By the end you can get the best wine you have ever tasted: YOURS !!
- Choose the variety grape
- Chardonnay or Petit Verdot
- Choose the vine row
- Indicate the row number you want to adopt
- Let the adventure begin
- Follow firsthand all production phases
- Great! You have your Wine
- You are ready to taste your wine and share it with the people you love
a plaque with your name and surname will be affixed to the head pole of the row adopted
the certificate of the adopted row (and the vineyard to which it belongs) will be sent to you.
you will immediately receive 6 bottles of YOUR WINE (with personalized label) and a further 6 bottles selected by the company.Special offers and discounts reserved for you during a whole year.
potrai visitare il filare adottato ed assistere alle lavorazioni in vigna, dalla potatura secca alla potatura verde, alla vendemmia e alla successiva vinificazione
è inclusa una visita della cantina (per 2 persone) ,in qualsiasi momento dell’anno, con degustazione gratuita di tutti i vini accompagnata da una selezione di prodotti tipici locali.
Constant updates and reports -by mail- on the various stages of processing, from harvest to bottling.
La Tuscia
Tuscia (o Tuscia Viterbese) è il nome letterario e turistico della provincia a nord di Roma, nel cuore dell’Italia, tra l’Umbria, la Toscana e il mar Tirreno, abitata, secondo la tradizione, dalle antiche popolazioni etrusche chiamate “Tusci”.
Furono proprio gli antichi Etruschi a coltivare la vite per primi su questa terra diventando rapidamente abili vignaioli ed insegnando poi ai Romani come coltivare e vinificare le uve.
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